Now that the summer has finished, I have a hard time letting go of it. I am a huge fan of the summer and, although hot weather makes me sweat a lot, I love feeling the heat on my face and enjoying the outdoors, especially the beach, every day. Of course, here in Crete we currently have 26 degrees so I have a little extension of summer much to my pleasure.
Thinking about the past and reflecting on it, I sometimes had a very hard time letting things, people and situations go. I used to beat myself up by trying too much to make things work when it was evident that I needed to move on. I have spent days crying over what I considered a failure and was refusing to get on with my life.
If you ask me if things are different now, I will honestly say they very much are. I have done a lot of self growth, coaching and have held long discussions with experts about what was holding me back. The process was not easy, it took determination and continuous work on myself but I am now at such a good place where I do not need to hold on to something that has ended or is no longer serving me.
