Have you ever considered how much energy you spend on others? This could be in a matter of hours per day, weeks or even years. The more of your precious energy you spend on someone who isn't reciprocating, the more you deprive yourself of the possibility of connecting meaningfully with someone else.
One of the most difficult things you need to do is let go of the people who are not ready to be part of your tribe and show you love. And by love, I mean be your friend, support you, cry with you, be your companion and cheer on your successes. Not everybody is ready to follow your lead or walk beside you and unfortunately there's not much you can do about it.
My instinct is to do everything in my power to help my fellow humans. This is innate, it's an impulse that demands not only energy, but also effort and time. I show up ready and eager to give my knowledge, attention and comfort to the ones around me that need it. It undoubtedly makes me feel valued and it gives me a sense of purpose.
That's why the disappointment is even greater when the truth hits me: I am not for everybody and not everybody is for me. Having difficult conversations with people outside of my frequency is a waste of my time. One will only change and understand when they are ready to do so themselves.
